Perfume & Cologne

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Smell great throughout the day with this bottle of Intimate perfume by Jean Philippe. The fragrance was introduced in 1955 and has an air of intrigue that is sure to catch the attention of friends and colleagues. The casual scent is perfect for women of any age, and it has a moderate fragrance that's never overwhelming. The notes of floral woods, musk, and oakmoss make this perfume a favorite of many, and it's sure to become one of yours.
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I love intimate used to wear it many years ago. Smells great, but the scent dosent stay with you like I remember.

Written by Anonymous on July 18, 2016

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My very frst perfume at 16 was INTIMATE and I a now 64. I found out later my 84 and 86 year old aunts also used INTIMATE perfume. After not being able to find it by Revlon for several years, I discovered it on your site and was ecstatic! I am SO SAD that I can no longer find it here. I am just NOT me witout it! PLEASE bring it back! Thank you

5 Stars

Written by Ruth Ann on October 21, 2012

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I have been wearing Intimate since I began wearing perfume about 45 years and I was so happy to find that you carry it and now I am very worried that you might not get it back in and I am almost out. I have tried many different fragrances and none work for me so PLEASE get it back. Thank you.

5 Stars

Written by Julie T on July 11, 2012

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I am so sad that I am unable to find and order Intimate Cologne. I was excited to see that this site had it and now it is gone. Please find some more somewhere. I have been wearing this cologne since I was 16 and am now 60 so obviously I am a fan!

5 Stars

Written by Anonymous on October 28, 2011

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I was so happy to know that i had managed to find this most beautiful perfume after so many years i would always talk about intermate perfume to my 2 daughters i am now going to give them a bottle each thank you for still keeping this wonderful perfume going. Elizabeth

Written by Elizabeth Martin on July 15, 2011

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