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Elizabeth Arden Reviews

This moisturizing treatment deeply saturates your skin with the hydration it craves, effectively reversing dryness and flaking.

Review of Elizabeth Arden

I bought the product Elisabeth Arden Moistuerizer and it is Fantastic leaves my skin soft and glowing! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank You Fragrance Net .com!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Written by Anonymous on 03/10/2014

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Review of Elizabeth Arden

Elizabeth Arden's Visible Difference IS, WAS and REMAINS the BEST!!!

Written by M.Ann on 02/13/2014

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Review of Elizabeth Arden

For cyclists or just anyone that spends a lot of time outdoors, I highly recommend Elizabeth Arden Visible Difference Refining Moisture Cream. I use a little on my face everyday and for me it really helps to keep my skin looking good even under harsh conditions.

Written by Jim on 01/13/2014

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Review of Elizabeth Arden

I've used Arden's Visible Difference for about 15 yrs and it is wonderful. My skin feels and looks great.

Written by RO on 11/15/2013

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Review of Elizabeth Arden

Peel & Reveal by Elizabeth Arden is the BEST skin care. I have used it for several years and have soft, no wrinkle face skin and I am in my 70's.

Written by JD on 10/18/2013

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