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Benetton Sport men's cologne is a charming addition to your collection. This 1999 cologne was introduced by Benetton and features fruity and fresh notes that include lovely spices, woodsy scents, and citrus. This daytime fragrance is ideal for work or other casual activities and lasts for hours, making it great for lunch or dinner dates. The mature aroma is sure to be one that will turn heads and catch the attention of others.

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Customer Reviews

A lovely, crisp scent! It's not cloyingly sweet, nor does it smell like a men's cologne, it's just clean and fresh, with floral notes. I wear it during the day, but one can wear this clean scent any time. I recommend this to any woman who likes clean scents!

Written by Lara on September 15, 2013

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I love this fragranace I bought it many years ago at kmart and my daughter asked for the bottle. I could not find it at the store so I looked on line so that I could buy me a bottle I bought one for her and me. I put it on to go to school and stopped to see my great aunt and one of her nurses said that I smelled good. I was happy. I cannot where scents that are loud I need sweet and fruty. I love the fragrance and scent. thanks

Written by Wanda D on December 02, 2009

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This is the second time I buy this scent. Great choice - you should try it as well!

Written by Delcho on July 22, 2009

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