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Customer Reviews

Boucheron love it will be ordering again

Written by Linda on November 01, 2016

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For Boucheron by Boucheron is a lovely scent for me and my husband noticed the new fragrance right away. I turned 58 on 10/05. More orders of Boucheron items are definitely in my future!

Written by RSH05 on October 24, 2016

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I love my new perfume! So happy I found this site. Won't shop anywhere else now for Boucheron

Written by Kristine on August 20, 2016

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I started using Boucheron since 1991 .I only use Boucheron.l am 79 yrs old , this scent is so Wonderful I can't wear any other scent .It would not be me

Written by 79 senior on July 21, 2016

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I first bought Boucheron in 2003 when I was on a cruise in the Caribbean and I fell in love with it. A store owner on one of the islands recommended it and I have been buying it ever since. I always get compliments and am asked what am I wearing, I also bought the shower gel in this scent and am pleased with it also.

Written by Diane on July 14, 2016

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1 of 1 people found this review helpful.