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Customer Reviews

I first bought Infini in the mid 70's, while on a stay in Paris. I enjoy subtle feminine scents, and always thought this was one of the more sophisticated ones. In recent years it has become much more difficult to find, which is a shame.

Written by LAC on June 01, 2012

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I loved this fragrance when I wore it in the 70's and 80's, but haven't found it in stores in recent years.

Written by Joyce on September 29, 2011

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Thirty-five years ago, I was wearing Infini, on the day my son was born. My son and his wife will be having my first grandchild next week, and I plan to wear Infini on that day as well. Love it just as much today as I did back then. Maybe my grand daughter will love it too.

Written by Rhonda from North Carolina on December 02, 2010

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I've loved Infini since I was first introduced to in in 1969. I've ordered it online since it disappeared from the local retail stores. I'm always complimented on it and nothing else compares in my opinion. I just love it!

Written by Linda, Virginia on October 14, 2009

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Like the reviewer before me, I was given this perfume, Infini, as a Christmas present when I was, I believe, 15. I wore it for decades, but find it hard to find in WY, and so now I am looking for a reliable source. I always got great compliments; it's a classic, elegant and unique.

Written by marini nielazaya on June 01, 2009

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