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Customer Reviews
For Xoxo Heartbeat
by Xoxo
xoxo heartbeat. I have used this for years and received more compliments even from strangers, than any other fragrance. I began looking for another bottle when my last one was half full and haven't been able to locate this particular fragrance. I have tried others but I really want heartbeat. Help
Written by kwan on February 10, 2013
I Love it it smell`s so wonderful, and everone just about, ask me girl what is that fragrance do you have on. And some will say that perfume is on time. Other wise they love my perfume and they ask me where did i get it. I tell you I really do love my xoxoheartbeat.
Written by Young Heart on January 30, 2011
I ordered this scent based on its description as having sandalwood, vanilla, and rose. I am pleased with its fragrance. My family likes it. My son says it smells good, like an Abercrombie & Fitch perfume.
Written by Jean on January 04, 2010