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Customer Reviews


I am a woman that bought this years ago at a dollar store. Instead of giving it away I wore it myself.I can still hear people asking me what I had on, and how good I smelled..I found an old empty bottle in a box in my closet,found out there is a web site and that it is still available..I am truly in heaven!!!Never has there been a better fragrance than this!!!!!!!!!Thank you for still making it!!!Herbissimo Mountain Juniper

Written by B.J. on July 15, 2010

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I find Herbissimo Mountain Juniper to be a very refreshing and relaxing scent.I'm very glad that I can still find it.

Written by RRD2818 on March 07, 2010

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I have enjoyed using Herbissmo fragrances for many years. Both "Te Verde" and "Mountain Juniper" are great to experience, relatively inexpensive, and usually available on-line but hard to find in stores.

Written by Anonymous on January 11, 2010

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Best aftershave I ever used. Loved it everytime I splashed it on my face. People notice me both men and women and ask me what I have on.

Written by Ben G. on October 30, 2007

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I bought one 20 (!!) years ago and loved every single drop. Very clean and fresh, very refreshing. Never thought I'd find it again - oh so happy...

Written by ob111 on July 25, 2006

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