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Young Sexy Lovely is a delicious women's perfume available from Yves Saint Laurent that's bursting with plenty of refreshing aromas, such as cherry blossom, mandarin, magnolia, light woods and fern. This appealing scent is ready to infuse you with confident poise in the face of a busy day or important event. Introduced in 2006, it's the perfect addition to any casual ensemble. Try it now, and let your inner beauty shine forth with maximum impact.

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Customer Reviews

A light fragrance, for the young adult but sophisticated enough for those young at heart. I'm 50 and would buy it again! Pleasant scent, not overpowering if you needed something fresh to wear to the office.

Written by TRINA on July 23, 2010

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i love this scent but has poor staying power. regardless, i would buy another bottle in a heartbeat. the name says it all. definitely younger scent but i still love it even though i'm 36!

Written by amysuh on April 16, 2009

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Young Sexy Lovely has a very extraordinaty scent. When I first smelled it, I knew I had to have it. I just wished the scent life was longer. I found myself spraying it on more throughout the day than other perfumes that I have, but would highly recommend it.

Written by TheBlonde1 on January 02, 2009

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I bought this because I loved how it smelled, but it smelled even better on my daughter and now it's all she wears.

Written by Cristi in Cali on December 09, 2008

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