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Customer Reviews

Etro magot beautiful flowery scent - unusual not department store usual product - if you like anick goutal products you will like the etro brand

Written by susie on April 25, 2010

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I am seeking a perfume, eau de toilette or cologne for women which contains vetiver mint citrus oranage and jasmine If you know of a scent with this combination please let me know or let me know where I can have it mixed. Thanks

Written by Kata Kwan on December 03, 2009

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Magot Etro gives me the feeling of an exceptional woman

Written by Nilly on February 04, 2009

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Great site to deal with. I couldn't find Etro Magot anywhere until this site. Very pleased with the product. Delivered quickly and intact. Great scent. Get many compliments. Lasts along time.

Written by Karen - PA on December 28, 2008

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