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Moschino perfume by Moschino is a warm and resonant scent that emanates a tone of casual sophistication. This scent for women has a spicy but subtle bouquet that is perfect for the woman who plans to turn heads wherever she goes. First introduced in 1987, this evocative fragrance combines rich citrus and florals with rich vanilla in a balanced construction that's just right for any evening occasion, be it a night on the town or an evening relaxing with friends.

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Customer Reviews

I bought my first bottle of Moschino by Moschino in 1995, in Spain. So glad that fragrancenet carries it, because for me, there is no nicer fragrance out there. I am always asked, which fragrance I am wearing.

Written by My opinion on December 31, 2024

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Been wearing for years and years and everyone asks me what is that great smell. Esp. Men love it……..pleas keep suppling it……..

Written by Anonymous on July 20, 2023

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1 of 1 people found this review helpful.

Mmmmm, smells very similar to the much more expensive Le Must de Cartier by Cartier. It's warm and cozy smelling. Great fragrance for cooler weather. Smells quite expensive, too, just like Le Must de Cartier (at a fraction of the price)! Mmmm...

Written by Frag Aficionado on September 21, 2022

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I have been wearing this perfume for 25 years. I get so many compliments my sons and grandchildren love it. The grand children tell me how lovely I smell.

Written by Siobhan O’Connor on June 01, 2022

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I have been wearing Moschino for over 20 years. I receive compliments all the time. Please continue to carry this favorite!!

Written by KN on June 01, 2020

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