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Pino Silvestre by Pino Silvestre is a fragrance that can bring out a hint of romanticism in any man. Its mix of woods, oakmoss and patchouli creates a masculine and enticing scent that is perfect for a night out with your special someone. Since its first appearance on the market in 1955, Pino Silvestre has been the cologne of choice for the man looking to make a strong and memorable impression on that romantic first date.

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Customer Reviews

Amazing cologne, a touch of old school fragrance, also a great mosquito repellent

Written by J. Collard on February 03, 2025

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Smelled like a faint pine tree and old gasoline wouldnt recomend.

Written by Stacy on January 20, 2025

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One of the most purchased cologne in Austria . Woodsy earthy very invigerating

Written by Hal on May 05, 2024

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A nice, masculine,and woodsy cologne.A good everyday wear for every season.

Written by Doug on April 10, 2024

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Smells a lot better than I expected, I expected it to smell like Pine Sol but it smells nice when it dries down.

Written by Anonymous on November 04, 2023

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