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Unabashedly masculine and powerful, Stetson cologne is a rugged and attractive scent for the man who enjoys western culture and the classic things in life. Introduced in 1981 by Coty, this casual but very manly cologne is great for evenings out with a romantic partner or hanging out with friends. In it, top notes of lime, lavender, clary sage, bergamot and lemon combine with woodsy undertones. Stetson, with its rich, woodsy citrus spices, is a perfect choice for men who like working with their hands and taking care of business.

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Customer Reviews

Stetson is the only cologne my husband wears. I'm tried other kinds, and they sit on the dresser and i give them away. So, i don't waste My money anymore and just him what he wants Stetson spray and splash on........enough said.

Written by barbara l bandy on August 18, 2024

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It still smells how it did 30 years ago! My mom got this for me when I was about 5 years old or so and I believe it may have been the after shave she got me as a stocking stuffer but this cologne spray smells very similar to the scent of the after shave and everybody knows that cologne/fragrance formulas get changed all the time but not this one.. it literally smells identical to how it did 30 years ago. At least to me it does! It is owned by a new company now so maybe I got an old batch? Either way, it's budget friendly.. give it a try!

Written by Mohsen Harivandi on August 11, 2024

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A long time favorite. Subtle changes from original scent continues to be a manly appeal.

Written by MT Rose on October 09, 2023

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Smells wonderful and I always get compliments from wearing it

Written by Anonymous on April 11, 2023

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The only deodarant I will buy and have had several ladies ask what Cologne I am using because they like it.

Written by Frank Riley on October 16, 2021

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