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Evoke the priceless memories of your childhood when you wear Pink Sugar by Aquolina. Introduced in 2004, this deliciously sweet perfume for women will delight your senses. Its combination of cotton candy, raspberry, licorice, powder, fig leaves, orange, strawberry, bergamot, caramel and wood will bring complements to the playful woman who dares to wear it. Its lively aromatic scent is appropriate for any daytime activities you may have, whether they be in the boardroom or the playground.

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Customer Reviews

I love pink sugar hair spritz , its smells amazing and keeps my hair fresh smelling on warm day .

Written by Beth on February 27, 2022

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People respond to Pink Sugar, the way they do to Tom Ford fragrance, when I wear it.

Written by PeepsyM on December 26, 2021

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I'm a dancer and I love to wear this in my hair . It smells amazing . Just a little goes a long way . Lasting power is pretty good also . I don't like to wear perfume at the job but just a little in my hair is all I need!!

Written by Isabella on October 27, 2020

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I love the Pink Sugar hair perfume to put on my hair before I leave the house cause I know it smells very nice and sweet and not strong at all. I highly recommend this product and you don’t have to wear perfumed. I love it!

Written by Evelyn on August 03, 2020

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2 of 2 people found this review helpful.

I loved the pink sugar !!! Very soft scent.

Written by SHamby on May 22, 2020

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1 of 1 people found this review helpful.