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eau de parfum

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Customer Reviews

Since a long time my colleague used to wear this and she smells amazing. Yesterday when I gave her a hug the smell transferred to me and my clothe was smelling too good. I could not resist. Even though the price is too high but I tried to buy with coupon. Why this perfumes are so expensive? Can I get a sample of all types of Bond9 perfumes? Thank you.

Written by Mamata Nanda on July 16, 2024

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Simply wonderful I bought the sample size and will definitely be getting the larger size.

Written by Jeremiah on February 12, 2023

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This scent makes me feel so sophisticated! I love it

Written by Tasha on August 05, 2021

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One of the sexiest scents I’ve ever experienced! So complex, not overpowering....all woman!

Written by Anonymous on February 07, 2021

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Not happy to me it smell like juicy couture..which I love at one point but after awhile ..not ..it smells just like it ..thank god got the travel size ..

Written by Grace on December 01, 2020

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