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Customer Reviews

Love this scent so much! Smells like powdered almonds. So yummy!

Written by LH1205 on October 03, 2024

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It smells beautiful! It really smells like a fresh almond fruit, but also smells so warm with this tonka bean. Its just a beautiful clean and calming fragrance. sadly doesn't last at ALL on me :( I'll still be buying a full bottle because im in love with it and it will simply be my fragrance i wear to sleep <3

Written by Anonymous on March 31, 2022

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This is an absolutely beautiful almond powdery fragrance that I cannot get enough of- I just love it! It is soft and sweet but not too sweet, very elegant! It is my very favorite perfume.

Written by Luckyday27 on January 18, 2021

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I ordered Prada Infusion de Amande eau de parfum miniature. The fragrance is almond and fresh green notes. I think it's a great fragrance for summer. I received it within a week of when I ordered. Very happy about that.

Written by Seraphina on April 26, 2019

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