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eau de parfum spray 3.3 oz & aftershave balm 3.3 oz & all over shower gel 3.3 oz
Savor the fruity and woodsy notes of Boucheron. This cologne for men is formulated for those romantic, candlelit nights or sultry days spent with the one you love. Since 1991, Boucheron has been a favorite of many men and their women with its flirty citrus notes enveloped in the earthy tones of wood. The scent is just right for helping set a romantic scene and capturing your loved one's attention.

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Customer Reviews

I've been using Boucheron for 21 years since it came out. Tried others in the meantime and always go back.

Written by Anonymous on January 15, 2020

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I use Boucheron because i smelled good after a shower

Written by Anonymous on December 25, 2019

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I started to use Boucheron because it was Christmas gift. After it was finished I looked for it because it is so special . So ,I bought it and have always used for about 5 years now. The perfumes is classy and long lasting , the soap gel is a bath of good smell and cleanliness,and the after shave cream is fabulous. It lengthen the perfume smell in a very subtle effective way. Got to love it

Written by Leomiami on November 12, 2017

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