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edt spray 3 oz & body lotion 1.6 oz
Giorgio by Giorgio Beverly Hills is a fragrance for women who want to make a stylish statement. Since its introduction in 1982, this fragrance has been a popular choice for women who are spending the day with friends or family. While the fragrance makes a bold statement, it isn't overpowering. The blend of amber, jasmine, flora bergamot, moss, musk, sandalwood, cedarwood, mandarin, carnation and rose combines perfectly to make a signature scent that others will quickly come to associate with you.

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Customer Reviews

I love it! But Please bring back the large Body Lotion for GBH! PLEASE!

Written by Doris DuFresne on December 15, 2024

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PLEASE bring back the GBH BODY LOTION!!! Been using GBH for a very long time. It layers so well with other perfumes or musks. I've gotten so many compliments. I love it!

Written by Anonymous on October 22, 2024

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No. It smells like a dime-store scent that young girls with money they earned for babysitting a couple Saturday nights might buy and wear to the school dance. Not horrible, just… a little cheap for a grown woman’s fragrance.

Written by Kate on September 03, 2024

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Love this set, just wish the large lotion was available! My grandkids all say this is what Grandma smells like!,

Written by Grandma Great on August 12, 2024

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I have been using this product for the longest while. It is the best. Nothing compares to it. I hope they will bring back the large body lotion.

Written by Steph on July 07, 2024

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