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eau de parfum

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Customer Reviews

Super liking the tuberose, nice complement to added ingredients. It's pretty, but its missing an ingredient. I like scent that my nose eats. For me it has a hole that has not been filled. Like it was rushed to market. Its not disappointing it has a nice blend of favors. Possible great layer with another perfume in its class. Definitely a contender.

Written by Eve Shaw on August 17, 2023

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I'm 36 and tend to prefer sweet but only very unique scents. From the notes listed, I thought this would be boring. It starts out as a peppery green tuberose which is... OK. The drydown is very interesting and beautiful, though. The jasmine is not loud (thankfully) and the base is much sweeter and deeper than you would imagine from vetiver. Longevity a few hours and silage is arm length if sprayed generously. I wear perfume for myself (and maybe people who get very close) and don't like imposing on others, so it's perfect. Works best on moist skin in warm weather.

Written by Surprised how much I love it! on October 24, 2021

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Tuberose. Classy. Sexy. Floral with an edge. Not super powdery or woody - no grandma vibes. Just a hint of sweet but not gourmand. Starts out sharp and dry but give it time... It dries down to a softer sweeter scent. Preforms best in warmer conditions. Lasts longer on clothing than skin. One spray has arms length silage for the first hour or so then fades to a lighter fragrance that the wind picks up. If you like celeb fragrances or only super sweet scents, it might not be your style. If you know tuberose, this is a floral slightly indolic one, not banana or bubblegum.

Written by Rachel J on October 03, 2021

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