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eau de parfum

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Customer Reviews

Very sexxy,clean smell,long lasting,fresh,not overwhelming, ppl all day telling me "wow,you always smell so good!" Thank you Ajmal!!

Written by BigSexxy from Philly on May 23, 2024

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This one of my favorite scents. Love this and will definitely buy again.

Written by Anonymous on June 14, 2023

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Amazing fragance, smells great...i really love it...in the openning it's Equal to SMW, in the drydown smells much better Silver Shade.... totally recomended.

Written by Eyder Jurado on September 25, 2021

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3 of 3 people found this review helpful.

Great fragance, smells almost Equal to Creed's SMW .....I'll buy it again and again. Totally recomended for that amazing price. Tks Fragancenet .... everything's great.

Written by Eyder Jurafo on September 19, 2021

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3 of 3 people found this review helpful.

Ajmal Silver Shade, masculinity pops up first two puffs, if you like Prada Luna Rosa then you will be all over this one. Elegant yet summery freshness to it. Last long hours 6-8; still can smell it in my clothes the next day! Highly recommended if you are looking for a refine masculine and expensive perfume with such a wonderful price. Thank you Fragancenet for carrying it. Hope it is in stock soon.

Written by Kiko Manso on July 03, 2020

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3 of 3 people found this review helpful.