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eau fraiche rollerball mini

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Customer Reviews

It’s a nice scent but it’s doesn’t last past 1-2hours. I can see this being given to a child as their first fragrance. The mandarin smells juicy as if you’ve just peeled it.

Written by Nina on June 30, 2024

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I have tried several fragrances from the clean line. So far, I have only been able to try the rollerball clean warm cotton mandarin and do enjoy the fragrance. I would like to try the perfune/cologne in the future for a better assessment. There are subtle orange notes which make this a very fresh fragrance!

Written by Anonymous on December 10, 2020

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1 of 1 people found this review helpful.

CLEAN WARM COTTON & MANDARIN OMG!!! Another one of my favorites! I love this scent so much! This one is my new favorite!

Written by KAY J on May 26, 2020

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