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Customer Reviews

This perfume is the greatest. I can smell the hint of spice initially. The dry down is best part. It's warm and vanillaly. Just amazing.

Written by Niiki on May 15, 2024

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"OH. MY. GOSH!" was the first thing that came out of my mouth when I smelled this. This is such a gorgeous perfume. I'm blown away. I don't know why no one in the online fragrance community is talking about this. M. Micallef's Mon Parfum Crista is the epitome of class, elegance, and femininity all rolled into one. It is smooth, creamy, and sweet. The Bulgarian rose note blends with everything else is so well done. Love love love!!! Thanks FragranceNet for allowing to own this scent at such a discounted rate, fast shipping too!

Written by Noreen on January 24, 2020

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