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Customer Reviews

I took all of these reviews to heart and ordered a blind buy on this. I don't know why I am the only one that is disappointed in this D&G Light Blue fragrance. The only smell I get from this is faint and it is a "Kerosine" smell. YUCK!! I have other fragrances in the Light Blue line that I really like - this one is unfortunate. I didn't even want to give it a 1 star.

Written by K. Maddox on October 06, 2024

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This sent threw me off at first, but the dry down is immaculate. really fresh and clean with a slight vanilla apple scent. This cologne claims to have an apple gelato note and it’s very unique. If you can get the tester it’s a must. My tester came with a cap also just in case anyone was worried about buying a tester! This is a very nice scent and I’m genuinely surprised

Written by Zack on May 23, 2024

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This a great clean smell

Written by Anonymous on January 11, 2024

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Great summertime banger!! Compliment magnet

Written by Frag Head on September 30, 2023

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Exceptional..... I love it

Written by Gordon on August 05, 2023

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