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Customer Reviews

Light refreshing. Lasting parfume. Ive eorn this since 1995. I never get tired of smelling it! Follow your nose. Mines in heaven.

Written by Parfume Da Hadrien on December 01, 2023

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I love this. It’s not what I would have ever bought for myself. I’m a Bleu de Chanel or Hermes H24 fan. This gets more compliments than anything I’ve ever worn. And when asked, most of my peers have never heard of it. It’s on the scale of Le Labo. Do it.

Written by Joseph in Austin on August 24, 2023

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This was a birthday splurge in the Spring for a Summer scent. I did so after wearing the EAU de toilette sample I had. I loved it... So, naturally I thought purchasing the EAU DE PARFUM would be terrific...Wrong! Never, have I ever had the EAU de toilette have more lasting scent power than the PARFUM. Just imagine two months after using the scent it changed. It began to die off quicker than when first opened. It's gone within an hour or two of generous spraying. Perhaps, I got a bad bottle. If I had known better I would have requested a refund earlier. So disappointed and cheated.

Written by When the Best is Actually the Worst on October 29, 2021

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