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edt spray 2.5 oz & aftershave 2.5 oz & aftershave balm 2.5 oz & shower gel 2.5 oz
Cool Water Ocean Extreme is an intoxicating temptation that is a take-off on the iconic Cool Water scent. Launched in 2016, this fragrance is a sophisticated fragrance that brings out masculine elegance. Introduced by the house of Davidoff, this composition opens with confident scents of Mint, Juniper and Rosemary at the top. At the heart lies invigorating scents of Geranium, Sandalwood Sea notes and Lavender. Musk, Cedar and Seaweed bring a sensual dimension to this composition.

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Customer Reviews

scent is classic, last for a long time. l love this scent and bought bunch for my male friends

Written by Akosua on June 18, 2017

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Very masculine scent that my son enjoys and it has a very pleasant scent. It is not too heavy or over powering. Ladies will enjoy smelling it.

Written by SmileyB45 on June 12, 2017

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No problem at all this is the real deal

Written by Anonymous on May 29, 2017

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Cool water is a great scent last long and a great deal got delivered early

Written by Barry bransford on March 17, 2017

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