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Customer Reviews

This is probably my favorite green fragrance. I get a good dose of the fir/galbanum, definitely has a dirty edge to it without becoming overbearing. Definitely one I could wear anytime in about any circumstance. I've never tried the vintage, but this one is enjoyable enough I don't feel the need to, especially with the prices. Fresh, green, dirty and clean at the same time. Reminds me a bit of Aramis Devin, only more well blended and balanced. Don't get a ton of leather like some people say, just green, fresh, a bit soapy, and musky

Written by DT on July 16, 2024

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Incredible and UNIQUE fragrance!! I could not believe this was on the site!!!! Truly this is a UNIQUE excellent fragrance for day & night, office/ work or leisure. I am so happy it was brought back to the market!!!

Written by VIVIAN on September 17, 2017

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