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Mambo by Liz Claiborne is a fragrance that has been a favorite of the casual male since 2001. Its combination of bergamot, musk, orange and patchouli scents creates an intoxicating aroma that is sure to make you the center of attention wherever you go. It's the right scent for a night out with your friends or for a weekend afternoon with your family. No matter where you choose to wear it, Mambo is a great way to complement your casual ensemble.

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Customer Reviews

Light fragrance, 4-hour duration on skin and clothing, is not to my personal taste.

Written by Ypp on October 29, 2024

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Written by ElegantElliotOffen on June 18, 2024

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Classic Cologne! I get compliments all the time! The ladies love it. I can't complain

Written by Tony Toca on May 23, 2024

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Great lavender scent brings me back to the 80's. It is wonderful in the air a bit old school. I love to used it as a bathroom freshener. It will leave the area you sprayed smelling good for hours.

Written by Dantheman352 on July 09, 2022

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0 of 1 people found this review helpful.

Smells so good I love the way my husband smells when he wears it.

Written by Trisha Moore on April 12, 2022

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