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Customer Reviews
I use BRUT as my everyday cologne. It has a great scent, lasts well and I often receive compliments from others. I've been using it since high school and I'm well into my 60's !!! Just a classic scent that has stood the test of time.
Written by old school rocker on August 31, 2016
Brut is my husbands favorite and has been for the last 40 yrs.. So when I saw the 25oz bottle of Brut at FragranceNet I bought it for him. It is a really large bottle and will take him years to use it all, but it smells so good.
Written by Anonymous on August 07, 2013
brut is my all time favorite cologne. I use it myself & now I bought one for my son. perfect for any the smell & my wife loves it too. in fact she is the one who recommended this cologne for my 13 yr old. to start with. long way to go..
Written by Anonymous on June 07, 2013