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Eau De Grey Flannel is a musky men's cologne that was introduced in 1996 by Geoffrey Beene. The fragrance combines the masculine tones of spicy greens and citrus along with sandalwood, vetiver and musk. It is perfect for daytime use at the office or during an afternoon lunch date. Spray the cologne on just before you walk into your next meeting for a confidence boost. You will turn heads all day without overpowering those around you.

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Customer Reviews

OMG! Grey Flannel by Geoffrey Beene, is the Bomb! I love this cologne. It makes any man smell so marvelous and noticable. I purchased a bottle for my best friend birthday. He had never tried Grey Flannel. I told him to be careful when he wear it, because It's Dangerous! :) It's smell so good it's undecriptiable delicious. It will make any woman love her Man all night! Even when he leave to go to work, you're never think he's gone. The Sexiness of the cologne linger in your linen n pillows. I love the fragrance of Grey Flannel. It's Number One!!!

Written by Glorious Bella on June 03, 2014

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This cologne is AWESOME... It makes any man smell GREAT and SEXY... I love it!!!

Written by BJAY on January 13, 2014

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There are some scents that are meant to use at home.,.this is one of them...ladies, don't let your man out after he put this one on!

Written by Anonymous on November 12, 2013

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The first time I met Drake he smelled incredible. He asked me to dance and I couldn't resist dancing just to be near his scent. After a few hours I asked him what he was wearing and he said you don't know? My reply no??? He said Gray Flannel you like??? I LOVE! He also wore it on our Honeymoon night....8 years later I still LOVE

Written by Lauren Vaughn on July 06, 2013

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the grey flannel balm is perfect to wear with the cologne,,, i wear the balm on my face and put the cologne on my neck,,, i love them both,, I am glad they made a balm.

Written by Timothy in Michigan on May 13, 2013

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