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Escada Sentiment by Escada is a warm fragrance that will make you feel beautiful. This rich women's scent is ideal for a romantic night out with your significant other or a date with someone you'd like to impress. In Escada Sentiment, sandalwood, mandarin, vanilla and iris combine perfectly to create a fragrance that sets the mood for romance. Introduced in 2000, Escada Sentiment has become a well-loved fragrance for many women and the men around them.

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Customer Reviews


Written by SARA on September 28, 2011

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I adore Escada Sentiment EDP and EDT! It is my signature scent and I wear it eve if no one is around because I adore the scent so much! It works perfectly with my body chemistry and I will absolutly have a major crissis if they EVER stop making it! It is a beautiful scent!

Written by LadyBorgia on May 28, 2011

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Escada "Sentiment" is my scent! I have been wearing it since it came on the market. I wear it all the time and wear no other scent. I love it and so does anyone that comes near me. One compliment after another. Never take this off the market!

Written by Anonymous on March 21, 2011

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I LOVE Escada Sentiment! It is my scent ant virtually the only one i will wear. I've been in love with it since the fist time i smelled it when a friend of mine introduced to me working for Escada. Mind Blowing! This is the right scent for every moment of life!

Written by LadyBorgia on January 25, 2011

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its my favourite there's no match for it.i would buy it anyday.

Written by temi on June 29, 2010

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