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Fifth Avenue by Elizabeth Arden is a pleasant fragrance that women can wear for a day of shopping. It is also a great choice for a day out with family or friends. Introduced in 1996, Fifth Avenue features a lovely blend of peach, lilac, magnolia, mandarin, vanilla, nutmeg and sandalwood notes and can easily become any woman's signature scent. If you are trying to find a light scent that is pleasant for those around you, this is a wonderful choice.

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Customer Reviews

I have used this fragrance for a long time. Not too heavy but at the same time not too light. Perfect for career women. The scent lasts long enough I think, too.

Written by Eunju Kim on November 29, 2016

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Fifth Avenue I love it I recommend buy

Written by Anonymous on October 16, 2016

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This fragrance can be worn anytime day or night, at a casual event or a formal, even romantic evening. the scent is not overbearing but has just the right intensity. Has a long lasting scent. Very feminine

Written by Terry...Texas on February 12, 2014

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Fifth Avenue is one of my favorite fragrances---always smells good, not overwhelming and perfect for office wear. I have re-ordered it several times and will probably continue to do so.

Written by Anonymous on February 10, 2014

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1 of 1 people found this review helpful.

i refuse to switch from 5th Ave, i really like it and i like the scent around my apt. i recently ran out but thought i had a spare and did not. it got tense while waiting for delivery

Written by wanda on January 23, 2014

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