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Customer Reviews
Pi is the standard for a man that wants an unforgettable smell. I started wearing this in 2007 and it has brought a lot of women closer. It is the cologne that calls out and draws near to get a full scent of it. It is sophisticated enough to wear from the boardrooms to the dinner invite. Givenchy has truly given a man a no thought required fragrance.
Written by Will rose on July 08, 2014
I bought this cologne as a replacement for a bottle that my husband broke while traveling. This bottle smells the same as the bottle that I paid almost twice as much for. It is a great, sweeter smelling cologne that has a lot of depth with a slightly powdery smell, but is never chemically smelling or cloying. A winning cologne that I highly recommend and find quite attractive!!
Written by Anonymous on May 25, 2014
The best Man's fragrance...ever! You have a winner here Givenchy! I fell in love with this manly fragrance years ago while shopping for a new fragrance for myself (Donna Karan Cashmere Mist). Just stumbled upon it as it was misplaced in the women's fragrance testers. The counter clerk apologized, and I said, no apology, I love it! My man wears it for me, even though he also likes it, too. For me, everytime I smell this fragrance, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It's very enticing, to say the least...LOL!
Written by lulu2860 on May 13, 2014