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The spicy, moderate bouquet of Sculpture cologne by Nikos makes it perfect for active men who live for the outdoors, whether they're running a mountain trail or cycling along the coast. First introduced in 1995, this casual but energetic scent is a rich blend of crisp and green notes, aromatic spices, lavender and wood. Sculpture is a perfect selection for casual but flirty encounters such as a coffee date or a weekend picnic with that special someone.

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Customer Reviews

Sculpture by Nikos is a superior fragrance. On several occasions strangers stopped me and asked about the perfume. Definitely recommend for every day use as well as special occasions. Best perfume!!

Written by Hüseyin Aksoy on August 04, 2014

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this is absolutely one of the best known unknown fragrances on the market today ,I always get compliments when I wear this ,I have other colognes some in the higher end creeds, paco and a few others and I must say I will sit this right along side with them don't let the lower price fool you its a great scent not really known by many people always ask me what is that you're wearing it smells fantastic !!!! and it does!

Written by s. pogue on August 08, 2013

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I have been using Sculpture since 10 years and I do not intend to change it for the next 10.

Written by Giuseppe Di Fede on January 17, 2013

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I first experienced sculpture at a store in my area and immediately I fell in love with it. It is crisp and clean and you don't need very much of it as it is also kind of heady. This in my estimation is a five star fragrance. It is versatile in that it could be worn for any occasion.

Written by Mr. Darryl A. Gatling on July 28, 2012

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Just got it bought it from here based on the reviews i must say very classy fragrence smells rich but dosnts cost a lott.

Written by qazi on July 19, 2012

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