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Make Sui Dreams your signature fragrance if you are the type of woman that lets nothing stop her from attaining her heart's desire. This bold 2000 release from Anna Sui supports a woman's desire for breaking out of the everyday mold and making a difference in the lives of others. Its clever formulation containing bitter orange, sweet nectarine, mandarin orange, bergamot and freesia scent notes takes you effortlessly from the formalities of the day into the freedom of the evening.

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Customer Reviews

My husband bought this perfume for me for my birthday and I loved it!!!!!!!!!! It has become a stable in my house and relationship. I was very upset that it was discontinued in the department stores but was relived to find it on FRANGANCE NET now I have to stock up because its always on backorder please PRODUCE MORE we are in withdrawals!! LOL Anna Sui ROCKS 8/7/2012

Written by Ayawnne Matthews on August 07, 2012

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My Boyfriends Daughter was wearing this one day when she came over for dinner. We lived in the UK at the time...I asked her what it was..and she told me "Dreams" By Anna Sui... I have loved it ever since!

Written by Tracy on January 28, 2012

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While I was in Paris, I was determined to check out the Chemist's. Their word for the pharmacists. This particular one I went into was known for their fragrances, and I was trying every scent they had until I found the one that was just right and compatible with my sinus'. Once I came across Anna Sui, I knew that was it! It isn't overpowering, it is the right balance for one with sensitivities to any kind of scents that would bother them. Once it's on, you hardly notice it, but everyone around you does. It was the best I have ever chosen and have not used anything since that time. I was in Paris in 2004, and now I found my source to purchase it and not go anywhere else!

Written by Judi on November 10, 2011

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I first smelt this perfume not long after it was released, I've had to purchase Sui Love because I can't find Sui Dreams anywhere, have you stopped making it? Its a beautiful, classy perfume....

Written by Lynne on August 14, 2011

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I love this fragrance. It makes me feel so clean, yet really feminine and sexy. I have received numerous compliments.

Written by nettie on November 01, 2009

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