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Customer Reviews
For Sung
by Alfred Sung
I have worn Sung for over 30 years and I'm still wearing this scent. I love it when women and men ask me what perfume I'm wearing and it happens on a daily basis. Please keep it in stock. You are my supply source. Carol
Written by Carol on April 13, 2023
I have been wearing Sung for years now and I have always loved the great scent. Every time someone pass me they ask what's that lovely fragrance you have on and I tell them and they say that they're going to buy some. I am getting ready to order 2 bottles now.
Written by Bernice on August 24, 2017
This is, my review: I love this FRAGRANCE!!!! I use it every DAY. I never have had people stop me, to ask what I am wearing until I started wearing ALFRED SUNG (SUNG). Please don't take It off the market, or you will lose many of your older people. Thank you, Judy Mattera
Written by Anonymous on March 31, 2017