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Since 1993, Touch by Fred Hayman has had the perfect mixture of a refreshing flowery fragrance for the casual woman. Its intriguing scent of romantic florals includes violet, purple carnation and yellow rose, an intoxicating combination that is sure to turns heads your way. Touch's unique fragrance is the perfect complement to your favorite casual outfit. Wear it to an afternoon drink with your friends, an afternoon with family or a casual dinner for two.

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Customer Reviews

Touch by Fred Hayman is one of the best perfum, I try other scentsm but I always keep it on hand. The people every time ask me about that. I love it!!!!!

Written by Veronica on September 10, 2014

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Touch is the most intoxicating fragrance I've worn ever! I love it!

Written by paula! on June 12, 2014

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I've been using Touch since 1984, need I say more. I simply love it!

Written by Mimi on February 18, 2014

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TOUCH by Fred Hayman is "eye" opening. And all you need is a TOUCH! I don't like strong perfumes or colognes that enter a room before I do. Touch is a very "complimentary" cologne that I intend to wear time and time again. My husband loves the way I wear it. I LOVE IT!!! Thanks Mr. Hayman for such a beautiful fragrance!

Written by Cliffsgirl on December 30, 2013

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I get multiple compliments, every time I wear it.....daily. Truly. It's the absolute best smelling fragrance, for me. Worn it for years. I'm sure I've purchased at least 10 bottles. Plus, it's really inexpensive.

Written by Anonymous on December 01, 2013

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