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Customer Reviews
For Roses And More
I have worn and loved Roses and More for years. It is a delicate, flowery scent that lasts and lasts yet it is not over-powering. In the last few years it has become almost impossible to find. Oh, how I wish I could find some right now..
Written by Bettye on November 17, 2013
I adore this fragrance. I bought Roses and More a few years ago and could not find it again. I am so happy to have it again. I love that the rose is more subtle and not overpowering.
Written by Laura D. on October 29, 2012
A complex fragrance. Not just rose top notes it also has added "spice" which creates a warm under tone...the something more. A great light, subtle day fragrance, but needs layering as it does not last much more than 4 hours. I am hunting for lotion or powder, or both.
Written by Anonymous on April 12, 2010
Roses and More is a lovely scent. But, I've grown roses for 45 years, and this scent did not strike me as a very noticable "Rose" scent. The "More" is more like it, you won't regret it. But, if you want a true, old world fragrant rose scent, this might not do it for you.
Written by Taarna on July 07, 2009