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Bois du Portugal adds a masculine scent to your handsome appearance. Manufactured by Creed and introduced in 1987, this men's fragrance has stood the test of time and will continue to do so. With a top note of bergamot and base notes of sandalwood and cedar, this cologne gives a mature ambience to your style. The scent's moderate strength makes it perfect for your nights out, dates, or just about any casual occasion.

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Customer Reviews

I already have Green Irish Tweed which was my first Creed Fragrance. I read the reviews here before trying Bois Du Portugal and I am very pleased I got this one I got almost 12 hours out this one the first time, maybe I overdosed but hey i love it. I was doing groceries at Trader Joes this past weekend and I could see some ladies smiling at me and perhaps eager to talk to me. One of the cashiers blinked at me and I felt hmmm she's has never blinked at me. She was very nice to me that day. She wanted to know how my day was going etc and actually engaged me into a whole different conversation. The ladies behind me in line almost run me over. They literally stopped me right at the door before I vanished and pleaded with me to share the fragrance I was wearing. Both had a pen and paper out ready to write it down. They said they could smell me and even as I walked away they could still smell the fragrance. Both ladies said they haven't dated for a while but their future dates better be wearing Boid Du Portugal. Itis exotic, classy, and sexy. this will certainly be one of my favourite fragrances for years to come.

Written by EB on March 13, 2013

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Smells like old money. Costs a fortune. Very sophisticated, but easy to overdose. Be careful with this one, gents!

Written by PeteSYD on September 14, 2012

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Bois du Portugal by Creed smells of class and wealth, that draws instant compliments from whom ever passes by. This is my sureshot number 1 scent of all time.

Written by Vas on September 01, 2012

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I love this fragrance!! The fragrance like most Creeds is intoxicating, I can't get enough of it. I highly recommend for someone to try it if they are over 30, as it's not the young "Axe" type of fragrance for someone to buy.

Written by Enrique on August 14, 2012

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Bois Du Portugal is a seductive, olfactory fantasy. When I told someone how much I liked wearing it, I got a giant Flacon for my birthday -July 13 th . I use it only at night when I am going out somewhere wonderful and I want to feel sexy, rich and elegant. I still have half the Flacon left. It is my favorite scent. A close second fave is Assoluta - Acqua Di Parma's new formulation of their classic fragrance, this time done with longevity. Now it lasts all night long. Please note: my birthday is coming up and my bottle of Assoluta is running low.

Written by Phil Tarley on May 26, 2011

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