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Customer Reviews
For Sables
I love Sables, and used to buy it at my dear Barney's on 17th Street, where I first found it, sniffing some samples, and was completely hooked--it's so exotic, spicy and complex. However, my beloved does not much care for it--he says it smells like curry to him (he's Bengali) and therefore I reserve it for the days when he and I are not together. I still love it. I spray it on my prayer beads for my morning puja, and hope some day to refine his taste away from (yuck) Givenchy Homme. Any Goutal fragrance would do, as all are lovely.
Written by Anonymous on October 18, 2012
This smells like a sun drenched meadow mixed w/ smoke and fresh cut wood. It smells like a man who works outdoors, not in a stuffy office. I think it is very natural sexy scent.
Written by Linda S on December 27, 2010
Sables is immmortelle (small yellow flowers that grow on the dunes of the beaches) + a base of vanilla. The immortelle's smell is a mix between Indian curry and maple syrup. The projection of the fragrance is discreet but longevity is astounding.
Written by Anonymous on November 09, 2008