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Customer Reviews
For Izod
IZOD is Awesome!!!...Only downside is you must use alot because it is a pretty little/subtle scent and becomes even lighter after a while, but the ladies LUV IT(I'm always getting compliments from down-right hotties and I'm no Fabio dude) I'm stocking up on this stuff!!!
Written by RossDaMan on September 19, 2012
Izod is all I wear. I'm a collge student so I have to spend money wisely. This product allows me to do just that. It last all day for me, but I freshin up maybe about 4 hours after applying. It smells wonderful, a lot of people ask me what fragrance is that. They can hardly believe that it's Izod. I love it, and recommend it to everyone. You can smell great for less.
Written by Attorneyatlaw. on February 03, 2012