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Customer Reviews
Mandarina's Black is a well-kept secret in the fragrance community. It smells sweet, yet subtle and projects. I would use this fragrance if your trying to impress someone on a date. It reminds me of romantic night out. I think this is best used in the Spring and Summer. Must have!!
Written by bigbeardbusiness on June 06, 2014
Awesome cologne. Just love the smell of this and it lingers all day. Now trying to keep my older teenage son from using it. All age groups will love this and it will be the one I will use everday.
Written by feljay on March 27, 2013
This is just a wonderful smelling cologne, truely a hidden gem! In the short time I have owned this I have received several compliments! This will definitely be a stable in my lineup!
Written by Joker94 on September 06, 2012