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If the notes list for Poem Of Damas seems a little vague, don't fret: you'll know exactly what you're smelling when you experience it, which is to say that Poem of Damas is one of the most straightforwardly confident, lush, downright gorgeous rose-oud scents we've ever encountered. Featuring an exquisite floral bouquet supplemented with the finest agarwood extract available on the market, Poem Of Damas seems to forego the traditional fragrance structure: the rich, dark, smooth oud explodes off the skin from the first spray, soon met with a lusciously rich Damascene rose, warm, romantic and completely captivating. Gently ambered tones of fruit and spice wax and wane throughout the life of the scent, sanding every rough edge and deepening the intense sophistication of the composition, which manages to feel hypnotically seductive and warmly comforting all at once, with a glow that lingers for untold hours. Simply put? This is rose oud as it was meant to be experienced.

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