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Nina by Nina Ricci is a fragrance that has been worn by women everywhere since 1987. Its rich aroma of florals, woodsy greens, and fruit makes this a scent that is perfect for a number of occasions, including an evening drink with your friends or an afternoon stroll with that special someone. With such a diverse array of scents, Nina is the perfume of choice for women who wish to complement their favorite outfit with something subtle, yet wholly unique.

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Customer Reviews

I'm known for this scent. Probably because I've worn it since it's debut in 2006/2007 and haven't found a replacement I enjoy more. I've grown use to the compliments and even people who are scent sensitive say it's such a subtle, light fragrance that it doesn't bother them. I love this sight as it offers the same department store quality at a third of the price!❤

Written by Judy from Canada on February 04, 2022

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Do not BLIND BUY this. In my initial spray it has strong synthetic apple scent that turns me off and will give you some headache.

Written by liamisssy on December 02, 2021

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This is my signature scent and the only place I can find it. I’ve gone through about 6 of these. It’s such a light memorable scent.

Written by Hillary on November 08, 2021

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I'm obsessed with this perfume and I've been buying it since 2009, still not tired of it and keep using it! It's playful, fresh, sweet, somehow innocent but flirty.... Will always buy it and i hope they never stop making it! Just ordered it here again this week!

Written by Lia N on June 06, 2021

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2 of 2 people found this review helpful.

Love this perfume. It's such a sweet smell that lasts all day!!!

Written by Anonymous on December 30, 2020

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1 of 1 people found this review helpful.