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O de Lancome from Lancome has been providing women with a cool evening fragrance since 1969. With its citrus aroma mixed with sandalwood, sweet florals and musk, this perfume is sure to complement your outfit for any nighttime occasion. Its unique scent is strong enough to make an impression the second you enter a room. O de Lancome can be worn in a number of situations, including dinner with friends or an after-hours cocktail with that special someone.

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Customer Reviews

This has been my favorite perfume for so many years, I love the hint of citrus in this clean light fragrance.

Written by Annmarie. on May 11, 2024

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4 of 4 people found this review helpful.

This has been my favorite perfume for over 40 years. Its light and smells great.

Written by Rose on September 05, 2023

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6 of 6 people found this review helpful.

I love the fresh floral scent. I have worn it for years. It is very feminine and just right, not overpowering!

Written by Sophiemum on June 26, 2022

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5 of 5 people found this review helpful.

This is the only perfume I where in the summertime. So clean and fresh and light . I get more compliments on this

Written by Colleen M on March 19, 2022

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3 of 3 people found this review helpful.

O de Lancome Generations of the Women’s in my family wear this fragrance. Is my favorite, clean, refreshing, elegant. Just love it.

Written by Andrea on December 17, 2021

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2 of 2 people found this review helpful.