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Oscar, by Oscar de la Renta, is a masculine fragrance that is the perfect scent for the casual male looking to make an impression. With its mix of woods and leather combined with fresh, peppery notes, this cologne can be used in a number of social situations. Since its introduction in 1977, Oscar has given men a fragrance that they can wear on a night on the town with their friends or for an afternoon with family.

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Customer Reviews

I was searching for Oscar SILVER (which I guess was discontinued) when I saw the product picture on this site. Looks & smells same. Happy Customer.

Written by Roger T on July 03, 2024

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I wish you guys would get more of this cologne it’s the best!!!

Written by Oscar is the best!!! on July 10, 2022

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Oscar for men,by Oscar de la Renta, is a great smelling fragrance. I'm picking up on the nutmeg and cloves as very prominent notes that are very distinct with it's own uniqueness. I love it. This is one of my all time favorites in my new and limited collection of great fragrances and I look forward to wearing it indefinitely. Please don't ever discontinue this one.

Written by Greg Rainey on May 23, 2020

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Oscar by Oscar De La Renta smells like pencil shavings. Upon smelling this fragrance I am instantly transported to my youthful school days, standing at the pencil sharpener. That being said, I like this fragrance. I don't know why, it's just pleasant.

Written by Jancar on April 13, 2020

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If I'm not mistaken, Oscar reminds me a whole lot of the original and vintage Bureberrys for Men (1981). It has that beautiful cedarwood scent that I love. It is the PERFECT fragrance for fall/winter. This is one that I really hope they do NOT discontinue. I want this to be available in my wardrobe for the rest of my life! If you like cedar fragrances, you're going to love Oscar by Oscar de la Renta! A+

Written by JR on June 19, 2019

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