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Perry, a cologne by Perry Ellis, was released in 2002 and has a casual fragrance that is sure to make you feel attractive. The men's cologne has zesty notes of citrus, soft florals, and other hints that mingle and make the scent unique. The oriental fragrance lasts, making it perfect for long days at the office or nights in with family members. The moderate scent isn't overwhelming, so you won't seem overbearing.

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Customer Reviews

Smells absolutely wonderful , a hidden gem fragrance, for men, absolutely affordable cheap perfect but it lasts about 5 or 6 hours on me and I've gotten so many compliments from it, women love it, there's a lot of people out there who have abused their nose with so many different fragrances that they can't tell when something is great or when something is garbage but this one is definitely a fragrance I would recommend and they stop making it so it's hard to find it anywhere, it's usually 60 to $70 more because they don't make it anymore. So get it here cheap while you can because it's hard to find it now.

Written by Clint Westwood on June 10, 2024

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i was excited to get this.....im so upset cause it smelled like alcohol...smelled old and like its been sitting on shelf for years...disappointed

Written by kenneth meyers on October 23, 2019

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This fragance last on me all day.... got 5 compliments today with it..its a hidden gem....get yours soon....its cheap

Written by Andy one on July 29, 2019

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