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eau de parfum
An alluring and flowery fragrance from Nina Ricci, Premier Jour for women is a deeply evocative scent that carefully balances a subtle, flowery tone with fruit and vanilla notes. It's an attractive bouquet that's perfect for a variety of casual events. First introduced by Nina Ricci in 2001, Premier Jour has a delicate and appealing construction that blends musk, vanilla and mandarin in perfect balance. This bright, fresh perfume is great for all sorts of daytime occasions.

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Customer Reviews

If I have to keep only one perfume. It will be this. Premier jour Nina Ricci. Love it

Written by NaTou on January 02, 2025

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This is the perfect scent! I love it! It is feminine, pretty, and light! I wish I could give it 100 stars!

Written by Amy M on August 26, 2023

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Perfect for Texas Summers.

Written by BARB in Dallas on May 24, 2022

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My best friend wore this when I met her and I fell in love with the scent! I ask her where can I get it and she said “no store here in the states!” She started wearing it when she lived in England. I looked it up on your site and started ordering it, and I’ve continued to get it here for years!! There has NEVER been a time that I haven’t had compliments on this perfume when wearing it. I went to a casino not long ago and had (3) gentleman stop me and ask me what kind of perfume was I wearing. Now, this is a scent that gets attention! Terry~

Written by Terry~ on March 13, 2022

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I love this! My sister had to smell it before I could. I'm allergic to heavy scents but this is a beautiful light scent that I get many compliments on

Written by Dawn L on January 18, 2022

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1 of 1 people found this review helpful.