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shower gel
If you're seeking a passionately extravagant scent bursting with rich and exotic red roses, orchids, honey and spice, look no further than Elizabeth Arden's Red Door for women. Legions of beautiful, sophisticated women have passed through Elizabeth Arden's iconic red doors for exclusive salon pampering; now you can adorn yourself with the spectacularly gorgeous fragrance inspired by that experience. Elizabeth Arden introduced this very sensual fragrance in 1989. Red Door enhances any romantic occasion, from dinner dates to a walk down Fifth Avenue with your beloved.

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Customer Reviews

I love Red Door products used them for years please can you make the shower gel and body lotions containers bigger they run out to soon then you have to order more wait for them to get here this is nerve racking or is that the idea all together, what happen to you guys carrying Georgio Armani shower gel did you just stop not carrying it, I have enough lotion, went to order more shower gel and to my surprise no more gel, can I even get it anymore, if not through you guys where can I purchase it. Thanks for the great deals wouldn't buy my products anywhere else.

Written by Written by Love my Fragrances on January 31, 2019

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This is a great bath gel. You don't come out of the shower smelling like a lot of perfume. Feels good to the skin and can be combined with any other type of fragrance without be drowned all the way out.

Written by Sunny on July 15, 2015

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