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Spark cologne for men is a deliciously different evening fragrance designed by Liz Claiborne. First introduced in 2003, this fragrance combines a woodsy note with an exotic, oriental floral scent. This powerful, masculine fragrance will last all evening. The sensual floral tones add a touch of romance to any night out, while the base note of sandalwood conveys a sense of confidence. This cologne is a clean, fresh scent with more than a hint of underlying appeal.

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Customer Reviews

Its spicy, rumlike scent is perfect. I het many compliments

Written by Wallace on September 23, 2022

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my husband likes it, he's hard to please.

Written by Anonymous on January 14, 2022

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Very spicy scent. Don't pick up any rum scent here so not sure what others are talking about Did nothing for me. It won't be a repurchase for me.

Written by Andrew on December 22, 2021

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Rum, spice, and everything nice! I've been looking at this fragrance for some time and this is amazing. Its a powerful masculine scent with some cardamom in there too. Definitely a strong rum aroma. You won't be disappointed. I need a bigger bottle of this.

Written by Wil on January 05, 2021

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1 of 1 people found this review helpful.

This aroma is great for fore play! A great turn on......

Written by Maxx on April 11, 2019

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