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The power that you feel behind the wheel of a Hummer is something that you can carry with you every day, thanks to Hummer 2. This cologne for men from Hummer landed on the shelves in 2005, and men fell for its rich and deep blend of masculine notes. Bergamot and mandarin peel lend floral and fruity notes to the scent, while bourbon pepper and cinnamon leaves add a spicy note. The casual cologne will create a statement whether you wear it on a date, a night out with the guys, or at work.

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Customer Reviews

Im not a pro in the fragance world but the first time I smelled this cologne I fell in love with it, I buy it because I know how manly and good time duration it have, I dont know why they discontinued it on my country but im glad I can buy it one more time. This is My cologne, btw my english is not that good :/

Written by Javier on August 09, 2021

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