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With its citrus scent, CK IN2U from Calvin Klein is the right cologne for the man who likes to take the time to relax. Since 2007, this fragrance's combination of grapefruit leaves, lime, pimento, musk, white cedar and vetiver has been mixed with several other ingredients to create a cologne that is well suited for a number of situations. Whether it's worn for a friend's barbecue or an outdoor adventure, CK IN2U is the perfect scent for your favorite casual activity.

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Customer Reviews

CK In2U smells so fresh and clean I love it so much. I hope we get more from this line of CK fragrances.

Written by Mikeha on December 10, 2024

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Very clean smell! I use this after every shower practically! Price is great and to use it as much as I do! Can't beat it... Trust me, I know all the good scents and tried them all. (Dolce-The One, Polo Red Intense, Polo Red Extreme, etc) I include this one in my arsenal also for all the head turning it does from the ladies... Very nice smell!

Written by Jay-Bone! on April 05, 2021

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This is something different, will set you appart from your basic blue fragrance, very generic and synthetic but pleasant smell, dont get much of the coaco note but a nice summer cheapie for the collection, fresh and clean but not in a soapy way, try it you cant go wrong for the price

Written by DevonM on May 30, 2020

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I love my CK IN2U. It smells very good. I would recommend it to a friend or family member.

Written by Anonymous on April 19, 2019

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Ck In2u edt by Calvin Klein very good

Written by Anonymous on August 25, 2018

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